ICF Coach Training With An International Community Of Coaches

If you want to develop coaching skills with a real master to make a real living from coaching, the Powerhouse Coaching Club is for you.

Join the Powerhouse Coaching Club
every month you’ll get:

  • One live Power Hour with a master coach

  • Two live 75-minute coaching clinics

  • Up to 4 ICF approved CCEUs

  • Membership to our 24/7 Power Forum Community

  • Coaching and discussions with special guests

  • Tons of practice, advice and much more

Take your coaching to the next level by joining the club today.

$99 monthly subscription

Group Mentor Coaching

Small and Intimate Group

ICF Accredited Training

Join a Global Community


Access to a Master Coach

ICF Coach Mentorship

Live Practice + Feedback

Why Join the Powerhouse Coaching Club?

Coaching is an incredibly rewarding career since you get to see the results of your work as your clients thrive.

But at times, it can be a challenge.

You’re only human, and sometimes you might feel like an imposter; wonder if your clients are getting real results, and doubt whether you’re doing it “right.”

The Powerhouse Coaching Club is for professional coaches like you, who know they can do better but just need a little help to get there… and aren’t afraid to ask for it.

There’s no shame in that.

coaching on laptop. Mentor Coaching For ICF Credential

Who Is The Powerhouse Coaching Club for?

The Powerhouse Coaching Club is a perfect fit for you if you’re:

  • Ideally, you have completed, or are in the process of completing, a program that offers at least 60 hours of solid coach training. (Weekend certification goers need not apply.)

  • Our ICF Master-Certified coaches will teach and critique your coaching based on the 8 Core Competencies of the International Coach Federation. If you’re not sure what they are but are willing to learn them, join the club!

  • Top athletes don’t stop practicing after they learn their sport. Nope, they keep going because there are always areas to improve if they want to be at the top of their game.

  • You do not have to do this alone. The PHCC is filled with dedicated and supportive coaches waiting for you to join them in their journey to becoming the best.

    If this sounds like you, join the club today.

Powerhouse Coaching Club Membership Benefits

We’re incredibly proud that The Powerhouse Coaching Club is constantly growing. Being a member of the club is an investment in YOU, and we do everything to make sure that membership is worth the investment.

If you’re considering joining the club, these are just a few of the benefits that you will enjoy:

One live power hour per month led by a Master-Certified Coach

Learn coaching from a master, ask questions, get better and network with coaches from around the world

Professional Development For Coaches

Two Live 75-minute coaching clinics per month

Members meet on Zoom to workout, discuss, review, analyze and polish their coaching skills with an ICF Master Certified Coach. Drills, round robins, coach the coach, demo coaching, Q&A, assessing, dissecting, discussion, and more. Your coaching skills and confidence will increase exponentially

Open Ended Questions

Up to 4 ICF-approved CCEUs per month

This program is approved by ICF for 3 core + 1 resource CCEU per month

Honor Silence

24/7 Power Forum

A member-led discussion portal (not Facebook) to improve business acumen while networking with other coaches

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On-demand Access

Recordings of all current month’s Power Hour and Coaching Clinics

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Monthly Bonus Events

To help you build your business

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Reciprocal Coaching Opportunities

To get coaching, practice coaching, and log hours

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Take Your Coaching to the Next Level.
Join the Powerhouse Coaching Club Today.

$99 monthly subscription

What Powerhouse Coaching Club Members Say

It was super helpful to see how you helped us drill down the agenda, and guided us through different scenarios. LOVED IT!!! This is exactly what we need, practice, practice, practice

Kimberly Arsenault

“This is exactly what we need”

Kimberly Arseneault

PHCC is a great place for all coaches to improve our coaching skills. First of all Jen is a great MCC, she is so supportive, making us all feel safe and comfortable to make mistakes and learn from her expertise.

Secondly it feels great to share and meet with other coaches from other countries.

I never want to miss the weekly session, but if I do, I don’t have to worry because every session is recorded and can be watched later.

Frederique van Branteghem

“I never want to miss the weekly session”

Frédérique Van Branteghem, PCC

“Best decision ever”

What can I say about Jennifer Powers? SHE ROCKS!! I chose her as my mentor and joined her Powerhouse Coaching Club knowing that would be the #1 decision I could make for my coaching business. She has proven me right over and over again, offering knowledgeable support, and offering exceptional training to help me succeed, Her enthusiasm for what she does is contagious! BEST DECISION EVER!! Don’t look any further!!

marci almond

Marci Almond

I joined the Powerhouse Coaching Club just as I was finishing coach certification. Learning and practicing in a clinic environment from a veteran ICF Master Coach like Jen with a cohort of other amazing coaches has been an absolute game changer! It has taken my coaching skills to a whole other level and given me the serious boost in confidence I need to build my own coaching business. It’s easily one of the best professional investments I’ve ever made!

“One of the best professional investments I’ve ever made!”

Dave Bouffard

Dave Bouffard
Spiritual & Life Coach

Powerhouse Coaching Club FAQ’s

  • YES! This program is approved by ICF for up to 4 CCE hours each month! (3 core + 1 resource)

  • You have the ability to stop your membership anytime you want. But most members stick around because they get an absolute ton of skill and business building support. Plus, it’s about the least expensive way to earn ICF CCEU’s.

  • For now they are scheduled for Tuesdays at 9am PST. The Power Hours are on the 1st Tuesdays, Clinics will be 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. The exact dates and times will be made available to members once they log into the club.

  • Far away from the distractions and black-hole that is FB. A proprietary platform just for us, We own it all and you will have your own account and 24 hour access. You’re gonna LOVE IT.

  • The Coaching Clinics are designed as a group experience that will extract learning opportunities in a variety of ways. So you shouldn’t expect personal feedback on your coaching as you would working with me 1:1, but it will definitely happen on occasion.

  • I’ve got you covered there, too. Monthly bonus events and discussion threads found on the Power Forum support you in adopting best practices to attract paying clients.