The Best Mentor Coaching for PCC Coaches

Maintain and Enhance Coaching Skills With ICF Approved Mentor Coaching

The International Coach Federation (ICF) is the leading organization for professional coaches worldwide, providing a framework for ethical coaching practices and standards for coaching and credentialing. One of the essential requirements for maintaining ICF credentials is mentor coaching. Mentor coaching is a process of working with an experienced coach to enhance one's coaching skills, deepen their coaching presence, and receive feedback on their coaching competencies.

As a Professional Certified Coach (PCC), mentor coaching is an essential aspect of maintaining and enhancing coaching skills. Mentor coaching is particularly critical for PCC coaches who are looking to advance their coaching skills and move towards the next level of credentialing. The ICF mandates 10-hour mentor coaching to assist PCC coaches in their development journey.

A mentor coaching program provides an opportunity for PCC coaches to work with a mentor coach, who is a qualified ICF PCC or MCC (Master Certified Coach) with extensive experience in the coaching industry. 10-hour mentor coaching involves 7 hours one-on-one or in a group and 3 hours one-on-one, and includes a review of coaching sessions, feedback on coaching skills, and guidance on areas that need improvement.

10-Hour Mentor Coaching For PCC

Enrolling in a 10-hour mentor coaching program is essential for PCC coaches as it provides a platform for them to reflect on their coaching practice, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and receive feedback on areas of development. The program is also an excellent opportunity for coaches to develop a professional relationship with a mentor coach, who can provide valuable insights and advice on how to improve their coaching skills.

Moreover, participating in a 10-hour mentor coaching program can also help PCC coaches understand and comply with the ICF competencies required for the Master Certified Coach (MCC) credential. The ICF MCC credential is the highest level of credentialing offered by the ICF, and it requires a higher level of coaching skills and expertise than the PCC credential.

By participating in a mentor coaching program, PCC coaches can gain a better understanding of the ICF competencies required for the MCC credential and work towards fulfilling those requirements. The mentor coaching program provides an opportunity for PCCs to receive feedback on their coaching skills in line with the MCC competencies and guidance on areas that need improvement.

Mentorship With Powerhouse Coaching

Powerhouse Coaching is an ICF-accredited coach training provider that offers a 10-hour mentor coaching program for PCC coaches. The program is designed to provide coaches with the necessary skills and competencies required to advance to the next level of credentialing.

Powerhouse Coaching's mentor coaching program is conducted by highly experienced and qualified mentor coaches who have extensive experience in the coaching industry. The program includes a review of coaching sessions, feedback on coaching skills, and guidance on areas of development, all tailored to the individual needs of the PCC coach.

In addition to the mentor coaching program, Powerhouse Coaching also offers other ICF CCE (Continuing Coach Education) programs that can help PCC coaches enhance their coaching skills and fulfill the requirements for maintaining their ICF credentials. The programs are designed to provide coaches with the necessary skills, knowledge, and tools to improve their coaching practice continually.


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